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Instructor Self Reflection


A critical aspect in working towards more inclusive classroom spaces, and engaging in difficult dialogues, is starting with self-reflection. The Office for Inclusive Excellence (OIE) offers a range of workshops that help participants reflect on their own implicit bias, discuss common microaggressions that occur in the classroom, and think about how self-reflection can improve teaching and learning. There are also many resources available to engage in self-reflection on your own.

Some guiding questions for faculty/instructor self-reflection:

  • What are my social identities?
  • What are my personal biases and assumptions and how might these affect the learning experiences of my students?
  • Do I feel prepared to handle challenging situations or facilitate difficult discussions in the classroom?
  • Do I have strategies in place to get to know my students better and increase their sense of belonging in the classroom?
  • Do I have awareness about the social and systemic inequities that affect the experiences and opportunities of underrepresented students in higher education?
  • Do I incorporate inclusive teaching strategies into my pedagogy and course curriculum? 

For further educational resources regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion, please see the Office for Inclusive Excellence's Educational Resource Toolkit (requires  University of Utah login).

Guides for Inclusive Teaching Reflection:


Last Updated: 8/2/22