Recorded Workshops
Missed a workshop? No problem! Check out our video recordings and handouts below.
Teaching Workshop Series (Fall 2018)
October 5th, 2018
Facilitators: Liz Rogers, PhD, Associate Instructor, CTLE
Adam Halstrom, Program Manager, Student Course Feedback, CTLE
Utilizing student feedback during the semester is an effective way to assess classroom
climate, and make
improvements to enhance student learning. This workshop will describe CTLE’s midterm
student feedback
tools such as surveys and focus groups as well as final course evaluations. It will
also be a space to discuss how
to process and understand student feedback, and provide strategies for incorporating
student feedback into
November 2nd, 2018
Facilitator: Alyson Froehlich PhD, Higher EducaDon InstrucDonal Consultant, CTLE
Are you teaching a class full of students with brains? If so, this workshop is for
you. As instructors, we are
experts in our respec<ve fields. We know what students need to learn, but few of us
know how students learn.
In this workshop, we will talk about a handful of methods by which the brain best
learns new material and
how we can implement them in our classrooms.
Annual Teaching Symposium (August 2018)
The dreaded silence after the teacher asks the class a question. The student who aces every test but never voices her ideas in class. The class discussion that veers off into irrelevant material. You can save yourself and your students from these pitfalls and still have a class where even the back row is actively involved. This 45-minute workshop addresses how to create ground rules for class discussion, design tasks to promote critical thinking and perspective taking, and conduct effective small group activities. These tools can help you build a safe and stimulating classroom community where great discussion can flourish.
Presenter: Emily J. Nelson, D.M.A., Associated Instructor, University of Utah; Adjunct Professor,
Westminster College
Presentation Slides: All Together Now: Engaging Everyone in the Room in Class Discussion
As the U's international student population stabilizes and grows, more culturally and linguistically diverse students will enroll across the curriculum. This presentation, led by an expert on second language writing who's also taught at the Asia Campus in Korea, will lead participants in exploring and inventing strategies that focus on helping international students negotiate academic literacies in US-based classrooms.
Presenter: Jay Jordan, Department of Writing & Rhetoric Studies and Utah Global
The most effective lessons are planned with careful attention to certain components. In this session, we will explore and evaluate effective lesson planning methods. We will discuss writing clear and concise learning objectives, managing your time effectively, and how to engage students in active learning. By the end of the session you will have the tools you need to plan your first or your 500th lesson more effectively.
Presenter: Adam Halstrom, PhD Candidate, English; Program Manager, Student Course Feedback, Center
for Teaching and Learning Excellence
Creating Effective Lesson Plans - Presentation Slides
Course Outcomes and Learning Objectives
In this workshop, we will discuss a variety of grading strategies for the diverse needs of your students. A couple grading examples will be provided such as, using rubrics for grading and providing feedback. The rational for providing specific and timely feedback will be discussed as well, as evidence-based strategies on providing effective feedback for students.
Presenter: Tara Putnam, MS, CAPE, Faculty Consultant, Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence
Lecture materials are often divided into slides as a basic organizational unit. In contrast, tools such as Evernote are organized around ideas that can be of varying length and complexity, and can incorporate a wide variety of media types. Several years ago I transitioned away from traditional presentation tools such as PowerPoint or Keynote, and instead developed an educational workflow using Evernote as a dynamic presentation tool during lectures as well as a platform for delivering course content to students. This workflow is tightly coupled with assignments and online discussions in Canvas. As an educator this has enabled me to save time and quickly adapt course content to the needs of the students.
Presenter: Christopher R. Butson, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering;
Faculty, Scientific Computing & Imaging (SCI) Institute
Humans are “pattern crazy”, in that our brains are always paying attention to what can and can’t happen. We then use our current understanding of constraints and tradeoffs to navigate through our day-to-day life—and we tend to refer to shared aspects of this framework as “common sense”. In this session I discuss the idea that education largely involves increasing the “terrain” through which students can successfully navigate by expanding their “common sense tool box”. The examples discussed will lean more towards science/biology, yet I suspect that it applies to all disciplines. Feedback will be welcomed!
Presenter: David H. Temme, Professor (Lecturer), Department of Biology
Ever wish you could peer into your students’ minds and figure out what is going on in there? The answer may not be as remote as you think. Researchers have learned a great deal about how the human brain works, and not surprisingly, there are some clear applications for education. Attend this session to take a tour of the mind of a learner, and come away with some practical tips for improving classroom instruction based on how we actually learn.
Presenter: Karen Marsh Schaeffer, Director, English for Academic Success, Dept of Linguistics
Presentation Slides: Learning and Memory
Handout: Learning and Memory
Teaching formulas can be so… formulaic and boring. Is there a better way? Come to this lively session to discuss how to translate formulas and equations for students, making it a dynamic, interactive process of learning.
Presenter: Patrick Tripeny, Director, Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence; Associate Dean
for Undergraduate Studies; Professor, School of Architecture
Online courses require media content, yet most faculty are not media professionals. This workshop is a crash course in lecture production for instructors who have little experience recording course videos. Topics covered will include a discussion of why instructors should record lecture videos, best practices for lecture recording, how to use Canvas video tools, and ideas for lectures that go beyond the ‘talking head’ format.
Presenter: Chris Hofman, Instructional Designer, Teaching & Learning Technologies
Although students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are intellectually capable of succeeding in higher education, their unique challenges and comorbidities contribute to very low completion rates. This workshop identifies the strengths and benefits that students with ASD bring to the university campus and offers best-practice tips and strategies for how to help them succeed in the classroom.
Presenter: Val D’Astous, Director, Utah Neurodiversity Workforce Program, Family and Consumer
As our classrooms become increasingly diverse, higher education institutions are addressing the positive impact that inclusive teaching has on student learning. This workshop will provide an overview of inclusive teaching principles and several strategies to set the tone for an inclusive classroom. We will focus on elements of an inclusive syllabus, the importance of the first days of class, and how to begin developing rapport with students.
Presenter: Liz Bond Rogers, Associate Instructor, Office for Inclusive Excellence / Center for
Teaching & Learning Excellence
This session will present strategies for designing and teaching library research skills for students in this age of emerging technological change. How can we help students be more effective researchers? What strategies can you implement to develop students’ confidence levels with using information resources? What U of U resources are available for you to help mentor and scaffold students as they do research across their college paths? Come and learn how the library can help you integrate library research resources into your course research assignments.
Presenter: Donna Harp Ziegenfuss, Ed.D., Associate Librarian, J. Willard Marriott Library
Using learning objectives as a framework, this workshop will review whole-class discussion strategies, introducing different types of class discussions and how they work for different subjects and classroom set-ups. Some of these include fishbowl discussions, moderated panels, or popcorn discussion (also known as a 'Quaker assembly'). In addition, this workshop will review setting up class discussions (and students) for success- some strategies that will be elaborated on include: mandatory 'discussion' questions, outlines, chosen moderators and more!
Presenter: CK Miller, Graduate Fellow, Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence