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Access Archived Reports (2007-2020) in Box

Don't have access to archived reports for your department? Email for access to archived course feedback reports (2007-2020).

Option 1: Download

If you have Box Drive on your computer, the files will sync automatically and you can browse, sort, or search as you would any other folder on your computer. If you don’t have Box Drive, you can download the entire folder so you have the files when you need them. You can download the folder by logging into, find the “SCF – YOUR COLLEGE OR DEPARTMENT” folder, click the three buttons next to the folder name, and then select “Download.” These are large folders, so the download will take some time. But you may find it easier to access the reports if they are downloaded.


Option 2: Box Online

If you don’t have Box Drive, and don’t want to download the folder, you can use to search the files and find reports for specific faculty or semesters. When you search, make sure you click the search options button and check the “Only search inside of…” option. This will prevent the search from looking at your other Box folders.


Once you’ve searched, you can click on one of the files and then use CTRL+A (PC) or CMD+A (Mac) to select all reports in your search. A “Download” link will appear:


Last Updated: 8/2/22