Peer Review of Teaching
Peer Review of Teaching is a collaborative component of the Teaching Excellence & Development Framework that promotes the exchange of insights and expertise among educators. In this process, instructors receive constructive feedback and evaluation from their peers who are experienced and knowledgeable in the same subject or discipline. Peer Review of Teaching provides a fresh perspective on teaching methods, classroom dynamics, and course design. It can help instructors refine their teaching techniques, experiment with innovative approaches, and ensure alignment with departmental or institutional standards. Peer Review of Teaching also fosters a sense of collegiality and promotes a culture of continuous improvement by leveraging the collective wisdom of the faculty community.
With the help of campus partners, CTE designed a Peer Review of Teaching Form that aligns with the Definition of Teaching Excellence.

Peer Review of Teaching can take various forms, including conversations, classroom observation or online course review, analysis of student learning outcomes, and review of course materials, learning objectives, student feedback, and instructor reflection. A review can be used as a developmental tool to provide instructors with formative feedback to enhance their teaching, showing progression over multiple observations. It can also be used as an evaluative tool to document evidence of excellent teaching . The University of Utah defines teaching excellence across five thematic areas. These areas with descriptions provide a common framework for course-based instructional activities. This Peer Review of Teaching Form aligns with the Teaching Excellence & Development Framework and the Definition Teaching Excellence.
Step 1. Initial Conversation and Materials Review
Set up an initial appointment to meet with the instructor to discuss the review. Ask the instructor to provide (in writing or through the conversation) a description of reasons for decisions about content and goals specific to teaching, elaboration of their instructional design, reflection on students’ achievements, and plans for future course offerings. You can also ask about the instructor's personal goals and plans for personal development specific to teaching to determine where you can focus your attention and comments during the review. You can also ask the instructor to provide a set of course materials (preferably in advance) for the conversation. Suggested items include (1) Syllabus, (2) Examples of assignments and criteria for assessing student performance, (3) Access to the Canvas course, and (4) Examples of student work.
Step 2. Class Observation or Online Course Review
If you're observing a single class session, ask the instructor to share course materials that will be needed for you to understand the context of the classroom activities the day you will visit, such as pre-class preparatory work (e.g., readings, discussion prompts or problem sets). Find out what the instructor hopes to achieve in the class period you are observing, how the day’s activities are designed toward those goals, and what assessments or assignments will enable the instructor to determine whether students have achieved what was desired. During the observation or course review, look for evidence to support the five thematic areas of the Definition of Teaching Excellence: Foster Development, Promote Deep Engagement, Incorporate Promising Teaching Practices, Utilize Assessment Practices, and Pursue Ongoing Instructional Improvement. If you haven't already, ask the instructor to provide (in writing or through the conversation) a description of reasons for decisions about content and goals specific to teaching, elaboration of their instructional design, reflection on students’ achievements, and plans for future course offerings. You can also ask about the instructor's personal goals and plans for personal development specific to teaching to determine where you can focus your attention and comments during the review.
Step 3. Complete a Follow-up Conversation and Review Summary
Follow-up Conversation
Determine a time to meet with the instructor and focus on the following topics. Tailor the conversation to the context of the review.
- The instructors’ reflections on whether the outcomes of the class period or course, match what the instructor intended
- The instructor’s assessments of student learning based on that class period, the course, or prior courses, either from within the observed class period, follow-up assignments, or previous courses
- Whether they might want to make any adjustments related to the class period, course, or past course in future offerings
- Feedback to the instructor: specific suggestions of things that worked well, and areas that could be strengthened in the course or future courses
- Review commendations and recommendations.
Review Summary in Writing
Summarize your review by reflecting on your conversations, materials review, and class observation or online course review. You can use the five thematic areas and descriptions of the Definition of Teaching Excellence to guide this process. Refer to examples reviewed and discussed in your conversations and the evidence you observed to support your comments about each thematic area. Include commendations and recommendations for the instructor, including any resources and strategies based on your review.