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Student Course Feedback | FAQs for Instructors

How is the new standardized instrument different?

The new form asks fewer questions than the previous form but still gets at critical questions about instruction and the instructor. Importantly, the new form provides the instructor with more information about how to address student needs in the course.

The old form asked students to represent their experience on a scale of 1-6. The new form asks students to think more deeply about their responses, with various questions having different mechanisms. For example, the question about learning in the course now asks students to tick off the items that helped them learn (readings and assignments, experiential learning, etc).

How will the changing standardized instrument affect Retention, Promotion, and Tenure files?

University and College guidelines govern the incorporation of student feedback in RPT files. Student Course Feedback results are available to course instructors and the heads of course-offering units or their designees. Starting in Spring 2021, instructors and administrators will access student feedback results in Blue. CTLE has copies of historical PDF reports from Fall 2007 – Fall 2020. Request access to results in Blue or to historical PDF reports by emailing

How do students know about Student Course Feedback?

Students receive an initial email invitation to submit feedback on the day the survey opens. They receive two additional reminder emails throughout the survey period. Students are also greeted with a login prompt in Canavs when they have at least one open survey. Click here to learn more about how students can submit feedback.

Increase Response Rates to learn about things you can do to increase participatoin in Student Course Feedback.

How do I preview an instructor report?

You can preview a new standardized instructor report based on the new instrument here:

How do I get access to my older student feedback (Fall 2007 - Fall 2020)?

Student feedback collected from 2007 - 2020 is archived in Box folders. Department administrators and approved staff have direct access to the folders. You can contact your department or email us at to request a copy of your archived reports.

How do I verify my course feedback surveys or check current response rates during the survey period?

You and your students will receive an email when the survey for your course is available. The email will include a Single Sign-On (SSO) link that will open a list of your courses. Or you can access your Blue dashboard by logging in at with your uNID and CIS password. After using the SSO link in your eamil or logging into your dashboard, click on your course to view survey dates and check current response rates. Click here to view our "Check Survey Dates" Quick Start Guide.

Last Updated: 6/12/24